301 W. Highway 287 Bypass Waxahachie TX 75165


Welcome to Christ the King

What to Expect

Whether you are a member, a regular visitor or newcomer, we are happy to have you with us. We pray that you enjoy your time worshiping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with our church family. We have two different services to suit your needs. For our 8:00am Traditional Worship Service, we use the Lutheran Service Book with hymns played on the organ.  Our Praise Team leads the congregation in worship for the 10:45am Contemporary Worship Service. Communion is offered at both services.  

We have no dress code or particular expectations about attire. Some folks will be in suits and ties, while others will be more casually dressed. When you worship, you’ll be asked to give us a little information about yourself on our “Communication Card,” which is inserted in your worship folder. We’d love to know you were with us. And please introduce yourself to our pastor and others. Children are always welcome in our worship services. Children’s worship bags are available for young children at both worship services. Please ask the ushers for a bag. At the end of the service, return it to an usher so a child at another service can use them.

We also have a nursery where parents may stay with their small children who need a break from the service. This room features a window to the sanctuary. The Nursery is located in Room 101 (across from the women’s restroom). After the early service, you are invited to visit with others for coffee, donuts and casual conversation in our Fellowship Hall. We offer Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. for ages Pre-K to High School. Adult Small Group Bible Study is also available each Sunday as well as various times throughout the week and month. You can view these opportunities HERE.